"Asylum Blackout" is a psychological thriller that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish. This intense film revolves around a power outage at a mental asylum and the chaos that ensues as a result. In this article, we'll delve into the main plot of the movie, its themes, and how it was received by audiences and critics.

Main Plot Overview

The story of "Asylum Blackout" follows a group of friends who play in a band and work at a mental asylum kitchen on the side. The main characters are played by Rupert Evans, Kenny Doughty, and Joseph Kennedy. As they go about their work, a violent storm hits the area, causing a massive power outage.

The power failure triggers a lockdown at the asylum, leaving the friends and the staff in a perilous situation. As the asylum's security measures break down, the increasingly agitated inmates take advantage of the darkness and chaos to run wild.

Events at the Asylum

The sudden power outage has immediate and terrifying consequences. The asylum's safety protocols malfunction, leaving the friends and the asylum staff vulnerable to the unleashed inmates. The friends must navigate the dangerous asylum, facing not only the violent inmates but also their own fears and suspicions of each other.

Psychological Thriller Aspects

The film thrives on the tension and paranoia that arises as the characters face increasingly dire circumstances. Trust is tested, and the true nature of the characters is revealed under stress. The film keeps viewers guessing, constantly shifting their expectations as the story progresses.

Themes and Symbolism

"Asylum Blackout" explores themes of power dynamics and fear. The inmates, previously under control, take advantage of the blackout to assert their dominance over the staff. The film delves into the fragility of control and authority, and how quickly situations can spiral out of control.

The asylum serves as a symbol of the mind's darker corners, with the characters' fear and anxiety mirroring the chaos within the institution. The film challenges viewers to confront their own fears and assumptions about mental illness and institutional control.

Climax and Resolution

The climax of "Asylum Blackout" is intense and action-packed. The characters must face their darkest fears as they fight for survival against the increasingly violent inmates. The resolution ties up the story, leaving viewers with lingering questions about the events that transpired and the true nature of the asylum.

Critical Reception

Audiences and critics received "Asylum Blackout" with mixed reviews. Some praised its suspenseful atmosphere and unique take on the psychological thriller genre, while others criticized its pacing and reliance on horror tropes. Overall, the film stands out as a memorable entry in the thriller genre.


"Asylum Blackout" is a gripping psychological thriller that explores themes of fear, power dynamics, and the fragility of control. Its intense atmosphere and unpredictable plot keep audiences engaged from start to finish. Whether you're a fan of thrillers or simply enjoy a good suspenseful story, "Asylum Blackout" is worth a watch.


What genre is "Asylum Blackout"? "Asylum Blackout" falls within the psychological thriller and horror genres.

Who stars in "Asylum Blackout"? The film stars Rupert Evans, Kenny Doughty, and Joseph Kennedy as the main characters.

Where was "Asylum Blackout" filmed? "Asylum Blackout" was filmed primarily in Belgium.

How does the film handle suspense? The film builds suspense through its intense atmosphere, unpredictable plot twists, and the psychological tension between characters.

What are similar movies to "Asylum Blackout"? If you enjoy "Asylum Blackout," you might like other psychological thrillers such as "Shutter Island," "Session 9," and "Gothika."